Friday, August 14, 2009

1 Year

Well blog readers, we’ve made it a year- I in Peace Corps Guatemala, and you in following the meandering tales of this blog. I can hardly believe that a year ago I was getting off a plane in Guatemala City, marveling at the new sites, smells, people, and emotions that Guatemala was presenting me with.

It’s been quite a ride, full of ups and downs. I think I’ve felt more emotion (excitement, fear, frustration, surprise) in the past year than I knew I was capable of. I’ve learned to function in a second language and culture and met some really incredible people.

I now fully understand why Peace Corps is for two years. It’s taken me this past year to learn the language and culture (which I still struggle with) and to gain the trust of the people I am attempting to work with. All of the volunteers that I’ve talked to say that the second year is the better of the two- getting to see the results of hard work and relishing in the friendships formed over the first year.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the past year wasn’t really challenging, but looking back I’m glad I survived it and am ready for another. It was quite a year; here’s to another!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Has Makali seen this photo? That must be a bottle of fancy shampoo, right? Because I too have found hair care a very important aspect of general hygiene here as well...well written blog lady. It's hard to summarize life here let alone emotions. Here's to another year! Better than the last!